Màng lọc Pall 7202 Pallflex Tissuquartz 47mm Filters, 2500 QAT-UP (Pack of 25)

Mã sản phẩm: 7202

Trạng thái: Có sẵn

Xuất xứ: Pall, USA

Giá bán: Liên hệ

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  • General description

    Tissuequartz are uniquely designed for air monitoring in high temperature and aggressive atmospheres. Heat treated for reduction of trace organics and superior chemical purity. High temperature use for analysis of acidic gases and stack sampling aerosols. High flow rate and filtration efficiency. Ultra-pure soft water processing to reduce residual ion content.

    Filter Media: 
    pure quartz, no binder
    Typical Thickness: 432 μm (17 mils)
    Typical Water Flow Rate at 0.35 bar (35 kPa, 5 psi): 220 mL/min/cm2
    Typical Air Flow Rate at 0.7 bar (70 kPa, 5 psi): 73 L/min/cm2
    Maximum Operating Temperature- Air: 1093°C (2000°F)
    pH in Boiled Water Extract: 6.5 - 7.5

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