Mẫu chuẩn được chứng nhận (CRM) cho Lab MÔI TRƯỜNG, hãng National Research Council of Canada's (NRC), Canada

Mã sản phẩm: CRM_Enviro_NRC

Trạng thái: Có sẵn

Xuất xứ: NRC, Canada

Giá bán: Liên hệ

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  • Bình luận
  • Danh sách các mẫu CRM cho Lab Môi Trường, NRC:

    Product Description Application field(s) Analyte group(s) Unit
    ABET-1 Certified Reference Material of natural arsenobetaine bromide. Environment Isotopic 30 mg
    AQUA‑1 Drinking water Certified Reference Material for trace metals and other constituents. Environment Total Element Content 200 mL
    BBET‑1 Certified Reference Material of carbon-13 labelled arsenobetaine bromide. Environment Isotopic 30 mg
    CASS‑6 Nearshore seawater certified reference material for trace metals and other constituents. Environment Total Element Content 200 mL
    CBET‑1 Certified Reference Material of carbon-13 labelled arsenobetaine bromide. Environment Isotopic 30 mg
    EMMS‑1 Enriched methylmercury isotopic certified reference material Environment Isotopic 1.5 mL
    HISS‑1 Marine sediment certified reference material for trace elements and other constituents. Environment Total Element Content, Trace Element Species 100 g
    IRIS‑1 Isotopic Certified Reference Material of natural iridium Environment Isotopic 1 mL
    MESS‑4 Marine sediment certified reference material for trace elements and other constituents. Environment Total Element Content, Trace Element Species 50 g
    MOOS‑3 Seawater certified reference material for nutrients. Environment Total Element Content, Trace Element Species 50 mL
    NASS‑6 Seawater certified reference material for trace metals. Environment Total Element Content, Trace Element Species 470 mL
    NASS‑7 Seawater certified reference material for trace metals and other constituents. Environment Total Element Content, Trace Element Species 200 mL
    NIMS‑1 Natural abundance inorganic mercury isotopic. Environment Isotopic 1.5 mL
    OSIS‑1 Isotopic Certified Reference Material of natural osmium Environment Isotopic 1 mL
    PACS‑3 Marine sediment certified reference material for trace metals and other constituents. Environment Total Element Content, Trace Element Species 50 g
    SLEW‑3 Estuarine water certified reference material for trace metals. Environment Total Element Content 470 mL
    SLRS‑6 River water certified reference material for trace metals. Environment Total Element Content 200 mL
    SOPH‑1 Marine sediment certified reference material for butyltins. Environment Total Element Content 12 g

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