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Thử nghiệm thành thạo (ISO 17043) vi sinh trên nền mẫu sản phẩm rau quả (fruit and vegetables products) Hãng DRRR, Đức

Mã sản phẩm: fruit and vegetables products

Trạng thái: Có sẵn

Xuất xứ: DRRR, ĐỨC

Giá bán: Liên hệ

  • Chi tiết sản phẩm
  • Ứng dụng
  • Bình luận
  • Microbiological Proficiency testing

    fruit and vegetables products

    Art. No.

    Proficiency testing type [A]

    requested parameters



    yeasts fruit preparation

    risk group 1, frozen

    yeasts quantitative and qualitative

    (3 samples for qualitative testing, 2 samples for quantitative testing)



    moulds fruit preparation

    risk group 1, frozen

    moulds quantitative and qualitative

    (3 samples for qualitative testing, 2 samples for quantitative testing)



    Listeria vegetables qualitative

    risk group 2, frozen

    Listeria monocytogenes qualitative

    (3 samples vegetables)



    Listeria vegetables quantitative

    risk group 2, frozen

    Listeria monocytogenes, total count quantitative

    (2 samples vegetables)



    osmophilic yeasts sugar solution

    risk group 1, frozen

    osmophilic yeasts, total count quantitative

    (2 samples sugar solution)



    osmophilic moulds sugar solution

    risk group 1, frozen

    osmophilic moulds, total count quantitative

    (2 samples sugar solution)



    yeasts dates

    risk group 1, frozen

    yeasts, aerobic total count quantitative

    (2 Psamples dates)



    moulds dates

    risk group 1, frozen

    moulds, aerobic total count quantitative

    (2 Psamples dates)

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